Award-winning writer on contemporary art, global politics, and ecology, T.J. Demos brings a critical analysis to Loss and Damage discourse by focusing on the aesthetics and politics of experimental artistic practices that connect harm and reparation to care and transformation in the context of Israel’s military offensive in Gaza with the intention of extending the horizon of flourishing ecological futurity beyond green capitalist solutionism.
Phoshoza presents the research that Nombuso Mathibela and Sibonelo Gumede have undertaken as part of the year-long Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage artists research residency.
Interdisciplinary scholar, speaker, and author Dr. Farhana Sultana draws attention —through the lens of climate coloniality— to how although Loss and Damage is now central to climate change discussions, these discussions often focus on the physical and economic impacts on vulnerable populations at the risk of overlooking the epistemic dimensions of loss — the erasure of knowledge, silencing of voices, and denial of participation for those from the Global South and Indigenous communities.
A Ubiquitous Wetness provides an insight into some of the research that Zahra Malkani has undertaken as part of the year-long Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage artists research residency.
Guided by the last works of the poet and environmentalist Audre Lorde, award-winning writer, poet and Queer Black Troublemaker and Black Feminist Love Evangelist, Alexis Pauline Gumbs,  has created a written ceremony in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, one that that meets us at the shoreline of loss, the swell of grief, the multi-life form convergence of disaster, with questions, offerings and provocations that support us in finding a collective way. forward in the details of our survival.
Phoshoza presents the research that Nombuso Mathibela and Sibonelo Gumede have undertaken as part of the year-long Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage artists research residency.
Award-winning writer on contemporary art, global politics, and ecology, T.J. Demos brings a critical analysis to Loss and Damage discourse by focusing on the aesthetics and politics of experimental artistic practices that connect harm and reparation to care and transformation in the context of Israel’s military offensive in Gaza with the intention of extending the horizon of flourishing ecological futurity beyond green capitalist solutionism.
Cross Dimensions / Dimensões Cruzadas provides an incite into some of the research that Gabriela de Matos has undertaken as part of the year-long Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage artists research residency.
       Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage is an online artistic research residency aimed at facilitating a transdisciplinary exchange around the issue of loss and damage caused by the climate crisis.

Throughout the year-long research residency, the selected artists and/or curators will be supported in their engagement with the issue of loss and damage and encouraged to spend time exploring and developing their artistic and/or curatorial practice in dialogue with other like-minded cultural practitioners as well as a global community of climate change researchers, policymakers, advocates, activists, and negotiators, working on Loss and Damage — the policies and plans developed to address loss and damage.

       Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage will invite three artists and/or curators (individuals or collectives) working within any medium to undertake new or existing artistic research projects engaging with Loss and Damage. Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage particularly welcomes applications from practitioners representing the Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) —those at the forefront of intersectional experiences of the climate crisis in the global South and North.   

Taking place online between September 2023 and January 2025, the Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage program will feature four key moments —three workshops and an online symposium— aimed at fostering dialogue between the selected artists and/or curators and Loss and Damage experts from around the world. Signup to our mailing list for updates as and when the dates of the events are confirmed.

       Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage are especially interested in artist research proposals exploring the intangible loss and damage that the climate crisis is causing to culture and heritage, identity and health (physical, mental, and/or spiritual), as well as reparative acts, modes of healing, community building and kinship-making, that emerge in response to the need to address loss and damage.

       Taking place online between January 2024 and January 2025, the Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage program will feature four key moments —three workshops and an online symposium— with the aim of diversify audiences and adding nuance and depth to public and policy-oriented discussions on Loss and Damage 

       In addition to the artists research program Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage will commission critical thinkers from the arts and humanities to explore different perspectives, aesthetic explorations, knowledges and lived experiences of the climate crisis in relation to Loss and Damage. The commissioned texts are intended to provide conceptual frameworks and critical links between the Loss and Damage discourse and themes already being widely explored within the arts and humanities in response to the combined climate, human rights, and environmental crisis, and the drive towards decolonization.

The Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage program is supported by the Open Society Foundations and is a part of the Loss and Damage Collaborations Art and Culture program. 


Building upon the knowledge shared throughout the inaugural Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage program, this brief provides reflections and recommendations intended to inform Loss and Damage policy making, response, research, advocacy, and artist practice. These reflections and recommendations span considerations across policy making and implementation, upholding human rights, transformation, decolonisation, restorative justice and reparation, participation, critical thinking and pedagogy.
This brief provides reflections and recommendations based upon the coordinators experiences of running of the Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage program, as well as feedback shared by program participants, that are intended to aid those seeking to foster transdisciplinary conversations and collaboration on the issue of loss and damage. These reflections and recommendations span considerations across coordination and operations, ethics and representation, critical thinking and pedagogical engagement of a diverse range of actors.
In “Decolonizing Climate Knowledge: Repairing Epistemic Injustice and Loss in the Era of Climate Change” interdisciplinary scholar, speaker, and author Dr. Farhana Sultana draws attention, through the lens of climate coloniality, to how although Loss and Damage is now central to climate change discussions, these discussions often focus on the physical and economic impacts on vulnerable populations at the risk of overlooking the epistemic dimensions of loss — the erasure of knowledge, silencing of voices, and denial of participation for those from the Global South and Indigenous communities.
A Ubiquitous Wetness provides an insight into some of the research that Zahra Malkani has undertaken as part of the year-long Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage artists research residency.
Award-winning writer, poet and Queer Black Troublemaker and Black Feminist Love Evangelist, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, has been guided by the last works of the poet and environmentalist Audre Lorde to create a written ceremony in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, one that that meets us at the shoreline of loss, the swell of grief, the multi-life form convergence of disaster, with questions, offerings and provocations that support us in finding a collective way. forward in the details of our survival.
Phoshoza presents the research that Nombuso Mathibela and Sibonelo Gumede have undertaken as part of the year-long Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage artists research residency.
Award-winning writer on contemporary art, global politics, and ecology, T.J. Demos brings a critical analysis to Loss and Damage discourse by focusing on the aesthetics and politics of experimental artistic practices that connect harm and reparation to care and transformation in the context of Israel’s military offensive in Gaza with the intention of extending the horizon of flourishing ecological futurity beyond green capitalist solutionism.
Cross Dimensions / Dimensões Cruzadas provides an incite into some of the research that Gabriela de Matos has undertaken as part of the year-long Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage artists research residency.
       Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage is an online artistic research residency aimed at facilitating a transdisciplinary exchange around the issue of loss and damage caused by the climate crisis.

Throughout the year-long research residency, the selected artists and/or curators will be supported in their engagement with the issue of loss and damage and encouraged to spend time exploring and developing their artistic and/or curatorial practice in dialogue with other like-minded cultural practitioners as well as a global community of climate change researchers, policymakers, advocates, activists, and negotiators, working on Loss and Damage — the policies and plans developed to address loss and damage.
       Taking place online between January 2024 and January 2025, the Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage program will feature four key moments —three workshops and an online symposium— with the aim of diversify audiences and adding nuance and depth to public and policy-oriented discussions on Loss and Damage. Signup to our mailing list for updates as and when the dates of the events are confirmed.
       The Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage online symposium is the culmination of a year-long artist research residency and the commissioning of three “Texts of Repair” it will take place over nine sessions across two weeks between the 20th and 29th of January 2025.
       Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage will invite three artists and/or curators (individuals or collectives) working within any medium to undertake new or existing artistic research projects engaging with Loss and Damage. Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage particularly welcomes applications from practitioners representing the Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) —those at the forefront of intersectional experiences of the climate crisis in the global South and North.
         In addition to the artists research program Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage will commission critical thinkers from the arts and humanities to explore different perspectives, aesthetic explorations, knowledges and lived experiences of the climate crisis in relation to Loss and Damage. The commissioned texts are intended to provide conceptual frameworks and critical links between the Loss and Damage discourse and themes already being widely explored within the arts and humanities in response to the combined climate, human rights, and environmental crisis, and the drive towards decolonization.

       The Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage program is supported by the Open Society Foundations and is a part of the Loss and Damage Collaboration’s Art and Culture program. 


       Acts of Repair: Loss and Damage therefore seeks three artists and/or curators, (applying as individuals or as collectives) working within any medium to undertake new or existing artistic research projects engaging with Loss and Damage. Acts of Repair: Loss and Damage particularly welcomes applications from practitioners representing the Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) —those at the forefront of intersectional experiences of the climate crisis in the global South and North. To apply for Acts of Repair: Loss and Damage read the information pack here and fill in the form here.


       In addition to the artists research program Acts of Repair: Loss and Damage will work to commission critical thinkers from the cultural space to explore how different perspectives, aesthetic explorations, knowledges and lived experiences of the climate crisis can add nuance and depth to public and policy-oriented discussions on Loss and Damage. In doing so Acts of Repair: Loss and Damage aims to building connections across different knowledge-building practices that can lay the groundwork for a much broader transdisciplinary (extra-disciplinary and anti-disciplinary) exchange on the issue.
       Acts of Repair: Loss and Damage is an online artistic research program aimed at facilitating a transdisciplinary exchange around the issue of loss and damage caused by the climate crisis.

During the period of research, three artists and/or curators will be supported to engage with the issue of Loss and Damage and encouraged to spend time exploring and developing their practice in dialogue with a global community of climate change researchers, policymakers, advocates, activists and negotiators working on the policies and plans developed to address loss and damage.

Open Call

         Taking place online between September 2023 and January 2025, the Acts of Repair: Loss and Damage program will feature four key moments —three workshops and an online symposium— aimed at fostering dialogue between the selected artists and/or curators and Loss and Damage experts from around the world. Signup to our mailing list for updates as and when the dates of the events are confirmed.

Texts of Repair

restoring ecosystems
healing and remembering
Many peoples, groups and states cannot always say what Loss and Damage really means to them.
Addressing loss and damage
requires a vast range of activities
Climate change-induced loss and damage is experienced in myriad ways:
some economic 
many unquantifiable
and intangible.
Addressing loss and damage is an opportunity for transformation.
an artistic research program
building connections
across different
and local knowledge